7 Kids’ Homework Questions That Leave Adults Scratching Their Heads

Math can be tricky for anyone, but some kids’ homework questions are so vague that they stump both students and their parents. Here are some examples where simple math questions turned into complex puzzles.

Grade 3 Math: When Not Enough Information Leads to Confusion

A math problem for a third-grader read: “Janell had 15 marbles. She lost some of them. How many does Janell have now?” Without more details, the question seemed unsolvable.

Parents, confused and unsure, turned to Reddit. Suggestions ranged from “less than 15” to humorous answers like “Janell lost her marbles,” highlighting the absurdity of the question. This type of problem shows how unclear wording can create more confusion than necessary.

The Six-Year-Old’s Riddle: Paint and Apples?

One six-year-old’s homework posed a real head-scratcher: it showed a picture of a paint splatter and several apples, asking, “How many apples could be covered by the paint? There cannot be more than 20.” The abstract nature of the question left parents completely confused.

One Reddit user guessed that the question might be a riddle, meant to inspire creative thinking rather than demand a straightforward answer. This example shows that even early education can sometimes be confusing for parents trying to help their children.

The Six-Year-Old’s Mystery Question: Apples and Paint Splatter

A six-year-old’s homework question left both parents and Reddit users scratching their heads. The question involved a picture of a paint splatter and several apples, asking, “How many apples could be covered by the paint? There cannot be more than 20.” The question’s vague phrasing and abstract concept made it difficult for anyone to provide a definitive answer.

One Reddit user suggested that the question might be a riddle, designed to provoke creative thinking rather than elicit a straightforward answer. Regardless of the intent, this question demonstrates how even early education can sometimes challenge the understanding of both students and their parents.

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